A while back, I jumped on a sales call and absolutely killed it. No fancy PowerPoint, no wild visuals, and definitely no exotic fonts.

What I did have was:

  • A unique point of view
  • Strong frameworks and templates
  • Detailed SOPs

All of this helped my prospect understand what I do, how I think about my craft, and the expertise I bring to the table.

Did I crack the deal?

A better question might be: How did I even build these frameworks, SOPs, and that unique point of view?

Did I pull an all-nighter before the call? Spend 12 hours cranking out Google Docs? Nope. This was months and months of work.

It came from my writing practice.

It was the slow grind of sitting down with a cup of coffee, planting myself in a chair, and writing emails and articles. Every. Single. Day.

Publishing regularly helps you streamline your thoughts, sharpen your ideas, and develop your unique frameworks. It’s also fulfilling. There’s really no reason not to do it.